March 8, 2020: International Women’s Day 2020

#EachforEqual, this year’s theme, calls for challenging stereotypes, fighting bias, broadening perceptions, and improving situations.

In short, to “do what you can to truly make a positive difference for women everywhere.”
Here’s how the AAA-ICDR does it:

The AAA-ICDR Foundation® has provided grants for

Promoting Peace and Tolerance through Leadership and ADR Training for Women in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine, Project Kesher

  • To support scholarships for female community leaders from Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine for advanced mediation and leadership training focused on promoting peace and interfaith/interethnic tolerance

Promoting Peace through Leadership and ADR Training for Women in Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela, Mediators Beyond Borders International—Women in Peacebuilding

  • For scholarships to enable women community leaders to complete four days of advanced mediation and community leadership training, Mediators Beyond Borders International—Women in Peacebuilding

Addressing Unconscious Bias in International Arbitration, ArbitralWomen

  • To co-sponsor an educational series and mentorship to promote equality, diversity, access to justice, and leadership opportunities for women

Promoting Peace through Leadership and ADR Training for Women in Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand, Mediators Beyond Borders International—Women in Peacebuilding

  • For scholarships to enable women community leaders from Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand to complete four days of advanced mediation and community leadership training in Djakarta, Indonesia

*The AAA-ICDR Foundation® is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization funding projects and proposals that address important needs in the U.S. and international ADR community to expand the use and improve the process of ADR, increase access to ADR for those who cannot afford it, and share knowledge across different cultures.

The Foundation is a separate 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization from the AAA and is able to solicit donations and provide grants to fund a range of worthy causes that promote the Foundation’s wide-reaching mission.

The Foundation is not involved in any way in the oversight, administration or decisionmaking of the AAA-ICDR cases or in the maintenance of the AAA-ICDR's various rosters of arbitrators and mediators.

For more information about the AAA-ICDR Foundation please visit

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Please complete the form below to register for the webinar Vacatur and Enforcement of Arbitration Awards:

A Selection of Frances Kellor’s Books
Experimental Sociology: Descriptive and Analytical, 1902
Out of Work, 1904
Athletic Games in the Education of Women, 1909
Straight America: A Call to National Service, 1916
Immigration and the Future, 1920
The Federal Administration and the Alien, 1921
Arbitration in the New Industrial Society, 1934
Arbitration in Action: A code for Civil, Commercial and Industrial Arbitrations, 1941
American Arbitration: Its History, Function and Achievements, 1948

A Selection of Frances Kellor’s Books

Experimental Sociology: Descriptive and Analytical, 1902
Out of Work, 1904
Athletic Games in the Education of Women, 1909
Straight America: A Call to National Service, 1916
Immigration and the Future, 1920
The Federal Administration and the Alien, 1921
Arbitration in the New Industrial Society, 1934
Arbitration in Action: A code for Civil, Commercial and Industrial Arbitrations, 1941
American Arbitration: Its History, Function and Achievements, 1948