Arbitration Programs from Around the World

For years arbitration has helped companies and individuals settle everyday cases that, profoundly affect peoples’ lives. In fact, as early as Roman times, parties sought to put an end to time-consuming and costly litigation by means of arbitration.1

Arbitration endures today because the dispute resolution procedure continues to be viewed as fair, rational, faster, and less adversarial means to handle disputes. Users of arbitration include government, universities and colleges, associations, major-league sports teams and Olympics sports, individuals, and domestic and international companies.

The breadth of organizations that have their own dispute resolution processes is extensive from Fortune 500 companies to sports to lemon cars, arbitration is being utilized successfully to provide relief where needed and get people back to business—all while it eases the logjam in the courts.

Please click on the options below to take a look at all the companies and not-for-profit organizations across the globe that have been using arbitration and mediation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution.

1 Wolaver, Earl S., The Historical Background of commercial Arbitration, 83 U. Ps. L. Rev. 132 (1934)


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For specific programs, please see below.

Who Should Attend: Arbitrators, advocates, academics, and anyone interested in the dynamics of arbitration.