Both large and small businesses are feeling the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many had to close during this time, and now numerous are being forced to make the painful decision of filing for bankruptcy.
The ability of companies to restructure, efficiently liquidate, and/or to sell assets often is contingent upon the expedited resolution of business matters. Moreover, finding out-of-court means to resolve disputes can have a real impact on the efficacy and economy of the bankruptcy process. It is for this reason that Bankruptcy Courts have traditionally embraced the use of mediation in Chapter 11 cases.
The anticipated wave of bankruptcy filings may unduly burden the courts, resulting in unnecessary expense and delay while matters await resolution. The use of mediation in the context of Chapter 11 cases can expedite the process by helping debtors and creditors devise agreed-upon—often creative—solutions. Key personnel therefore are freed up and not diverted from their main duties in helping the company restructure.
The AAA-ICDR offers a Bankruptcy ADR service offering with mediators who have extensive
Chapter 11 industry experience as well as alternative dispute resolution experience resolving complex litigation and corporate disputes. Mediators are former state, federal, and bankruptcy court judges and nationally recognized bankruptcy practitioners.
Bankruptcy mediations can be conducted via AAA-ICDR Zoom Virtual Hearing Managed Services. Virtual-hearing specialists attend to all the technical details of the video-hearing process, which is customizable, so that parties and mediators need concentrate only on the mediation procedure.
Bankruptcy Case Study
Catharine Biggs Arrowood |
Hugh J. Bell, Jr. |
Raymond G. Bender |
Fred G. Bennett |
Marc Borello |
Thomas Brewer |
Gerry F. Doyle |
Allen B. Green |
Hon. Faith S. Hochberg |
Kathryn J. Humphrey |
Paul Klaas |
Steve Koh |
Sharon L. Larkin |
Pamela Meredith |
Elliot Polebaum |
Kara M. Sacilotto |
Lawrence Schaner |
Lester Schiefelbein |
Milton “Skip” Smith |
Stephen Smith |
Edna Sussman |
Wolf von Kumberg |
Kellye L. Walker |
Richard Ziegler |
Steve K. Andersen, Esq.
Vice President, ICDR
Los Angeles, CA
+ | [email protected]
Andrew Barton
Vice President, AAA
San Antonio, TX
+1.210.998.5750 | [email protected]