COVID-19 Safety Protocols for the AAA-ICDR® 
New Jersey Regional Office

Important Safety Protocols and Procedures

Visitors are welcome, but not required, to wear a face mask while visiting the AAA. However, if a visitor has had close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19, or someone who is presumed positive for COVID-19, and CDC guidance does not recommend that the visitor remain in quarantine or isolation, the visitor should wear a face mask when visiting the AAA in keeping with current CDC guidance.

If a visitor is symptomatic for COVID-19 on the day of their visit, they should refrain from entering AAA offices.

If a visitor has recently tested positive for, or is presumed positive for, COVID-19, and CDC guidelines recommend that they remain in quarantine or isolation, they should refrain from entering AAA offices.

Stations throughout the hearing facility supply hand-sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.

Limited number of acrylic partitions available upon request.

For additional information, please see our COVID-19 Safety Guidelines for Visitors to the American Arbitration Association Offices.

For more information,
please contact:

Nicole Bynes
30 Knightsbridge Road, Suite 525
Piscataway, NJ 08854
Phone: 732.667.8371

Or by filling out the form below.

Please call Taryn Hyson at (212) 484-4189 or email